2021 Oceania Campaign - Cancelled
With the announcement of a Trans-Tasman travel bubble, the Oceania canoe polo championships have been scheduled for December 2021, to be held at the purpose built Hastings canoe polo facility. The NZ Senior Mens and U21 squads have been formed and training camps begin in May.
The Senior Mens Head Coach is Kyzen Mcdonald, and Assistant Coach is Jordan Hinton.
The U21 Head Coach is Eric Gurden, and U21 Assistant Coach is Justin Tate
The Mens Squad Manager is Jimmy Bowden
For all NZ camp dates, please see the NZCPA website 'Events' page.
2020 World Championships Campaign
The NZCPA board of directors has made the decision to disband our two selected U21 teams and the two Senior training squads for the delayed World championships due to be held in April 2021. This decision was made in consultation with our player groups, coaches and management.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our players, coaches and managers for their dedication to teams and squads. Especially those long hours training and planning over the last few uncertain months since the COVID-19 pandemic caused the postponement of the 2020 World Champs to 2021. NZCPA will ensure that the two named teams will be recorded in the NZCPA yearly report and our history.
NZCPA will continue to engage with ICF around any future planning to host the World Championships in October 2021; their cancellation and the implications of these decisions. We will continue to consult our stakeholders to share in this process.
For all New Zealand canoe polo event dates please see the NZCPA website 'Events' page.